简介:“What’s a bad miracle?” Oscar winner Jordan Peele disrupted and redefined modern horror with Get Out and then Us. Now, he reimagines t he summer movie
简介:Our focus here is on attractive couple George (Rafe Spall) and Amy (Eleanor Tomlinson). Newly arrived in Woking, the London Evening Gazette journalist
简介:保罗雷辛(克里斯多弗·兰伯特 Christopher Lambert)是个在日本工作的美籍业务员,他在异国邂逅了神秘的东方女郎Kirina(陈冲),被欲望冲昏头的保罗马上和她发生了关系当他返回她的房间要取回钥匙时,却发现她已死于金城(尊龙)的刀下。金城是一个忍者集团的首脑,任何看到他庐山真面目的人都
简介:执导过巨型昆虫搞笑电影《恶魔蜘蛛王》(Big Ass Spider)的麦克曼德兹(Mike Mendez)再推出全新执导电影《完美银行大劫案》一个犯罪团伙计划好了一场进出不超十分钟的完美银行抢劫方案,抢劫团伙蓄势待发, 接应的车也停在还未营业的银行附近准备就绪。他们唯一要做的就是等待完美时机,然后出
简介: Set in the 16th century, a sheriff working on a series of murders has to choose between his conscience and protecting his family when he's tied to t
简介:A teenage girl living with schizophrenia begins to suspect her neighbor has kidnapped a child. Her parents try desperately to help her live a normal l