简介: 古代外星人理论家认为在数千年前,外星人登陆地球,在那时他们被奉为神明,并且帮助塑造了人类文明。但有什么证据可以证明这种遭遇呢? Ancient alien theorists believe that thousands of years ago, extraterrestrials land
简介:有没有可能在数千年前智慧生命已经访问过地球,带来了他们的科技,彻底的改变了人类历史发展进程?由Erich von Daniken撰写,1968年出版的畅销书《诸神的战车》提出了一个“远古外星人”的理论,颠覆了人们对于人类进程的信念远古洞穴壁画中奇异的生物,秘鲁的飞机跑道遗迹,和印第安文字中所描述的“
简介:“督爷”杰夫·布里吉斯将首次主演剧集。他将出演FX新剧《老人》(The Old Man),改编自Thomas Perry的同名畅销书。布里吉斯饰演的Dan Chase是一个退休的CIA官员,几十年前从CIA逃走,从此低调隐居。但如今一个杀手找上门来,要把他解决。而Chase为了化解麻烦,不得不重访自
简介: This new documentary special is about the most intact slave shipwreck found to date and the only one for which we know the full story of the voyage,
简介: This new documentary special is about the most intact slave shipwreck found to date and the only one for which we know the full story of the voyage,