简介:Angel works in an ambulance service. After a tragic accident, his personal life begins to deteriorate as he becomes more and more suspicious of his pa
简介:看看这段片尾导演对“黑人阿哥”的采访你就会知道为何这个原名叫Luis Alfonso Londoño的家伙是史上最牛非职业演员之一了。。。:)Carlos Mayolo: What would you say to those who make films?Luis Alfonso Londoño:
简介: Alberto, who suffers from an illness that binds him into a body that doesn’t obey him, lives with his loving mom, who dedicates her life to him. His
简介:传奇巨星莉拉卡森封麦十年,却在复出演唱会前夕被发现倒卧海滩,苏醒后已严重失忆,不但忘了自己是谁,更遑论开口唱歌。单亲妈妈毕欧蕾妲靠着在卡拉 OK 酒吧的工作养大女儿, 却无法控制女儿无理的暴烈性情。身为莉拉的头号粉丝,翻唱金曲是她的日常,期待偶像复 出,则是她烂泥般的生活里,唯一的曙光。不忍巨星一蹶