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    • 主演:Claire Keim 
    • 导演:Nicolas Cuche 
    • 分类:剧情片
    • 地区:法国 
    • 年份:2017 
    • 更新:04.10
    • 简介:  Lisa, family mother of 11 year old Thomas and a new born baby, is gradually being consumed by her alcoholism. She loves her children, but the taboo


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      Lisa, family mother of 11 year old Thomas and a new born baby, is gradually being consumed by her alcoholism. She loves her children, but the taboo surrounding the disease is dragging the family down. Her husband Vincent is busy with his career and underestimates the gravity of the situation, simply avoiding the subject. Thomas takes care of his baby sister alone, while nothing else matters for their mother but her addiction. How will Thomas, who has grown up until now in a loving household, deal with these adult problems? And can Lisa get a grip on her life and find the strength to tackle her disease? Written by Happy_Evil_Dud  Lisa a tout pour être heureuse : un mari qu'elle aime, deux beaux enfants et un métier qui la passionne. Malheureusement une ombre plane au-dessus de cette vie parfaite : Lisa est alcoolique au point de mettre son couple et ses enfants en danger...-https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Soif_de_vivre


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