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    The Second World War is in full swing, fascist Germany is actively attacking the Soviet Union. Battles go on all fronts, thousands of soldiers die on the battlefields daily. At the front, there is a clear lack of ammunition and provisions. Moreover, the quality of the weapon affects. And at this very time, in one of the battles, a young ordinary soldier Mikhail Kalashnikov receives a bullet. Growing up in one of the poorest regions of the USSR, he was one of the most gifted people. In the battle, he was seriously injured and ended up in a field hospital. Biography and life story of a man who is known by the whole world thanks to the legendary AK-47 assault rifle. After all, it was during rehabilitation after a serious injury in the hospital that this young but ambitious soldier began to think about his future fate. There was no opportunity to return back to the front. But this man was truly a true patriot and cried for his homeland with all his heart and soul. Therefore, not even having the opportunity to fight on the battlefield holding a weapon in his hands, he invented the famous assault rifle, which bears his name to this day. The story of a strong man in spirit and heart. The film shows the life, feelings and suffering of Mikhail Kalashnikov.


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